Many readers say that Americans do benefit from the digital world. Communication, Information and Innovation are all positives aspects we get with living in a digital world. Communication has no barriers these days. Time and location hold no boundaries when communicating with families, friends, coworkers anymore. Technology has allowed us to be able to communicate whenever and wherever we want. Another positive aspect to living in a digital world is how quickly information can be received. One click of a button and you can see videos, pictures, stories, podcasts about what’s going on in the world. Lastly Innovation. Living in a digital world has allowed Innovation to soar. Now distractions don’t have to take complete control over your life. With meditation according to Winifred Gallagher the author of Rapt meditation is “the most promising solution to our attention problem is also the most ancient”. Meditation makes the brain less sticky. Not only this it has been shown to boost your mood which fuels your attention.
Though finding techniques to not be distracted is important it doesn’t always work. It all comes down to executive function and without having a strong executive function young Americans are going to continue to be distracted by the digital world.