“My Crowd Experiment”

On these two pages I found a lot of things relatable. Specifically when on the first page he is talking about needing something to relieve me of the tension without making me anxious. I think a lot of people could relate to that.Another part that I thought was incredibly relatable was the part where you if your given a set of correct answers and then trying to diagnose yourself. There is always some sort of fear. Them most interesting thing I made note of was when he was planning his mob email and he decided that it was necessary to make the email seem lazy instead of instead of urgent. To me at first it didn’t seem that it would work.

2. I think in Bill Wasik’s piece really used to internet piece on connecting the media and bandwagon. The media would either react in a positive way with the turnouts of the mobs or about the mob in general. This prompted a bandwagon affect because people would then ” jump on the bandwagon” and join in on the mob. The internet is influential because it lets you escape the boredom. There are so many things to be accessed on the internet that you just want to keep using it.

3.I think was trying to tell us to make something out of your boredom. Take everything in control. He talks about using the media as platform. Wasik believes that  we all take control and tell our own stories instead of letting people tell them for us.


Many readers say that Americans do benefit from the digital world. Communication, Information and Innovation are all positives aspects we get with living in a digital world. Communication has no barriers these days. Time and location hold no boundaries when communicating with families, friends, coworkers anymore. Technology has allowed us to be able to communicate whenever and wherever we want. Another positive aspect to living in a digital world is how quickly information can be received. One click of a button and you can see videos, pictures, stories, podcasts about what’s going on in the world.  Lastly Innovation. Living in a digital world has allowed Innovation to soar. Now distractions don’t have to take complete control over your life. With meditation according to Winifred Gallagher the author of Rapt meditation is “the most promising solution to our attention problem is also the most ancient”.  Meditation makes the brain less sticky. Not only this it has been shown to boost your mood which fuels your attention.

Though finding techniques to not be distracted is important it doesn’t always work. It all comes down to executive function and without having a strong executive function young Americans are going to continue to be distracted by the digital world.




After reading the few pages from They Say/ I Say I felt like I could pin point exactly lots of transitions, key terms. pointing terms and repetition in my paper, when really that’s not what happened.. I didn’t realize that my paper could be hard to follow but could be fixed with a few words. I used some repetition with the words distractions, and attention which would be expected since those are two key words that are vital to my paper. I definitely lack transition words and points terms. It’s not as if I need to add more sentences maybe a couple but now knowing what examples of transition words and point terms are I definitely use them to my advantage to make my writing connect a little better.



With such high demands on attention we are now creating a society with ADHD.  The major change now we see it when it comes to the personality characteristics. Once categorized at dysfunctional (hyperactivity, impulsiveness and easy distractibility) is now what we see every day and is almost the norm. By feeding into the demands that our society has created for ourselves and specifically for our brains we are allowing our brains to run ragged and work overtime. Civilization is unhealthily living with short attention span. Stewart Brand a noted commentator on technology and social change believes that this short attention span trend is most likely coming from “the acceleration of technology”. ADD expert Paul Walker even says that “The attention span of the actual adult is greatly exaggerated”.


High demands on attention creates a society with ADHD. Major changes we see is with  personality characteristics. Once categorized at dysfunctional (hyperactivity, impulsiveness and easy distractibility) now is almost the norm. The demands that our society created is making our  brain run ragged and work overtime. Civilization is unhealthily living with short attention span. Stewart Brand a noted commentator on technology and social change believes the  short attention span trend comes from  “the acceleration of technology”. ADD expert Paul Walker says  “The attention span of the actual adult is greatly exaggerated”.


So I couldn’t figure out how to make my image of my brainstorming session available so that’s why my picture is not up of it!


When looking in Restaks writing I remembered he talked about the crawlers on the bottom of the screen and how he was unable to focus on the First Lady’s speech she was giving. He would get bits in pieces but eventually he missed a whole section because on the bottom of the screen non important texts were scrolling across the screen. This can be related to Anderson’s piece where he talks about how your brain processes information and the information is put in all these different channels. Here you can talk about how the channel can only have one task as a time to function correctly. That’s why someone can’t focus on two things on a screen at once, and that why texting and driving doesn’t work either.

One other big thing I picked out how on Restaks he talks about how dividing the brain up to do too many task isn’t good. Now how I connected this to Andersons writing was with the fact the he talks about how meditation is the key to overcoming lack of attention. Also I thought I could bring in the part about the body needing a certain amount of dopamine… ( affects of depression, and emotions)


My first impressions was that this is not going to work. But not after actually figuring out how to work my ePortfolio I think it has a lot of potential to be something worthwhile. I think it does has it downsides one being its a new interface that very people in class have used. Another downside is that potentially feedback wouldn’t be immediate when posting online.

I do think that this surface will be helpful in the sense that we don’t have to wait till the next class to get a response from a peer, or an edit from a teacher. I hope that we can use this site as another way to edit and respond to others and do less of that on paper and pen.
