With such high demands on attention we are now creating a society with ADHD. The major change now we see it when it comes to the personality characteristics. Once categorized at dysfunctional (hyperactivity, impulsiveness and easy distractibility) is now what we see every day and is almost the norm. By feeding into the demands that our society has created for ourselves and specifically for our brains we are allowing our brains to run ragged and work overtime. Civilization is unhealthily living with short attention span. Stewart Brand a noted commentator on technology and social change believes that this short attention span trend is most likely coming from “the acceleration of technology”. ADD expert Paul Walker even says that “The attention span of the actual adult is greatly exaggerated”.
High demands on attention creates a society with ADHD. Major changes we see is with personality characteristics. Once categorized at dysfunctional (hyperactivity, impulsiveness and easy distractibility) now is almost the norm. The demands that our society created is making our brain run ragged and work overtime. Civilization is unhealthily living with short attention span. Stewart Brand a noted commentator on technology and social change believes the short attention span trend comes from “the acceleration of technology”. ADD expert Paul Walker says “The attention span of the actual adult is greatly exaggerated”.