Paige Mason
ENG 110-H6
Pursing an education after high school is a must, for it allows each and everyone of us another chance for the people who haven’t already figure out what career path they are interested in to do so. College also not only gets you an education in the sense of lectures, and text books but you also become educated Though as distressing, hair pulling, aggravating and tiresome and uncomfortable getting an education is, it is also rewarding in so many ways. With education what people tend to forget is that people take it for granted. They don’t see that being able to go to college is eye opener and opportunity to change your path that you follow.
Barnett views higher learning as not a “cozy experience”. Barnett believes people are privileged with so much, endeavor, scholarships and more. He sees that students come to realize that the ways thing are aren’t always the want that they are meant to be. Every other nation has a student entering college or university study a single subject Martha Nussbaum points out in her passage. She also points out unlike all other nations who do so we, the U.S require students to take a wide range of courses throughout there first two years in college. This type of education lets the students learn the facts, traditions. Not only this but it also allows students to figure out what they truly want to pursue and to go through those hair pulling moments, and distressing times to get to that higher education.
I truly believe that instead of focusing on one and point topic to study everyone should have a liberal arts education. I say this because it helps students develop there own passions that they might not have know before. Having a liberal arts education exposes yourself to a well rounded education. It helps you find out if you passion, is humanities, history, health, math, science. As a child I always knew that I loved helping people and I knew that as a grew up that I wanted to continue helping people. As I go through high school and enter my sophomore year I take an Anatomy and Physiology class that made my brain goes Pow! I knew by the end of that year after exploring options and careers and talking with my parents I wanted to be a physical therapist. As I am now a freshman in college and only a few days in I’ve been exposed to the usual courses: math, biology, english. One class that I think follows both Barnett and Naussbaum’s views on education is my sociology class. This class already challenged my mind in ways that is allowing to become an active, competent and thought critical thinker. This is the type of class that makes you see things, the world in a way that they could be but aren’t.
Education is an opportunity that never ends. As Ronald Barnett says” A higher education experience is not compete unless the student realizes that… there are no final answers.” ( Ideals of a higher education) The amount of effort you put into your education will be what you get out of it. If you stay focused on only one subject all the way the less likely you will become an informed, independent and sympathetic citizen because you didn’t take the time to push yourself to take an opportunity to try something new and think out of the box.